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Repair Request Builder

CNHInspections’ Repair Request Builder allows you to quickly create a professional-looking repair request list from the home inspection report. You can select which recommendations from the report to include in your custom document to print for or email to listing agents, sellers, contractors, lenders, warranty companies or insurance companies. You will be able to quickly grab our report language to add to the document. Please see the following 5-step instructions to generate your repair request report.


To generate your report, first open the web-based Home Inspection report. Click on the ‘Report Tools’ button and on ‘Repair Request Builder'.

CNHInspections Hastings Nebraska Home Inspection Report, defects, contractors, realtors


If you would like to only add Moderate (Orange) and Major (Red) defects to your report, select 'Recommendations & Significant Defect' first.

Then select all of the recommendations you would like to include in the report by clicking the check mark on each defect you would like to include.

CNHInspections Hastings Nebraska Home Inspection Report, defects, contractors, realtors

STEP 3 After selecting which recommendations you want to include in the report, you can choose to ask for a credit amount or add a comment to each specific defect (this step is optional).

CNHInspections Hastings Nebraska Home Inspection Report, defects, contractors, realtors


Click preview to see what the document will look like. (You may need to allow a pop-up screen for this step)

CNHInspections Grand Island Nebraska Home Inspection Report, defects, contractors, realtors


CNHInspections Kearney Nebraska Home Inspection Report, defects, contractors, realtors


Exit preview and click Create to get the link to copy/paste into your own email, or to conveniently send directly through our system.

CNHInspections Lincoln Nebraska Home Inspection Report, defects, contractors, realtors

CNHInspections Columbus Nebraska Home Inspection Report, defects, contractors, realtors

If you have any questions regarding the Repair Request Builder tool, please let us know.

For video instructions, please watch 'Repair Request Builder Agent Demo'.


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